Survey Questions – Reuters Institute Digital News Survey 2015

Reuters 2015 UK UK407755

Which country?

<1> UK

<2> US

<3> France

<4> Germany

<5> Denmark

<6> Finland

<7> Italy

<8> Spain

<9> Japan

<10> Brazil

<11> Australia

<12> Ireland

<13> Poland

<14> Czech Republic

<15> Turkey

<16> Portugal

<17> Austria

<18> Netherlands


[income_uk if Country ==1]

What is your gross household income?

<1> Under £5,000 per year

<2> £5,000 to £9,999 per year

<3> £10,000 to £14,999 per year

<4> £15,000 to £19,999 per year

<5> £20,000 to £24,999 per year

<6> £25,000 to £29,999 per year

<7> £30,000 to £34,999 per year

<8> £35,000 to £39,999 per year

<9> £40,000 to £44,999 per year

<10> £45,000 to £49,999 per year

<11> £50,000 to £54,999 per year

<12> £55,000 to £59,999 per year

<13> £60,000 to £69,999 per year

<14> £70,000 to £79,999 per year

<15> £80,000 to £99,999 per year

<16> £100,000 to £149,999 per year

<17> £150,000 and over

<18> Don’t know

<19> Prefer not to answer

{end module demo_UK}



<1> Up to five times a day

<2> Between 6 and 10 times a day

<3> More than 10 times a day

[Q1a] How often do you access the Internet for _any purpose_ (i.e. for work/leisure etc.)? This should include access from any device (desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile) and from any location (home, work, internet café or any other location).

<1> Several times a day [Q1a_freq:Q1List] {popup}Does that mean?

<2> Once a day

<3> 4-6 days a week

<4> 2-3 days a week

<5> Once a week

<6> Less often than once a week

<7> Don’t know

[Q1b] Typically, how often do you access _news_? By news we mean national, international, regional/local news and other topical events accessed via any platform (radio, TV, newspaper or online).

<1> Several times a day

[Q1b_freq:Q1List] {popup}Does that mean?

<2> Once a day

<3> Several times a week

<4> Once a week

<5> 2-3 times a month

<6> Once a month

<7> Less often than once a month

<8> Don’t know

<9> Never

{exit status=screenout if Q1b in [7,8,9]}


{page page_intro if Country==1}

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey all about news consumption. The survey should take about 15 minutes, and upon completion your account will be credited with 50 points.

{end page page_intro}

[Q1c] {single}

How interested, if at all, would you say you are in news?

<1> Extremely interested

<2> Very interested

<3> Somewhat interested

<4> Not very interested

<5> Not at all interested

<998> Don’t know

[Q1d] {single}

What is your highest level of education?

<1> I am currently in school/full-time education

<2> I did not complete secondary/high school

<3> High school or baccalaureate or A-levels

<4> Professional qualification

<5> Bachelor’s degree or similar

<6> Masters or Doctoral degree #if code 1 selected, show Q1NEW#

[Q1NEW if Q1d==1] What is the highest educational level you expect to complete?

<1> I will not complete secondary/high school

<2> High school or baccalaureate or A-levels

<3> Professional qualification

<4> Bachelor’s degree or similar

<5> Masters or Doctoral degree

<998> Don’t know


UK, US, Germany, Italy, Spain, Denmark

[Q1F if Country in [1,2,4,5,7,8]] Some people talk about ‘left’, ‘right’ and ‘centre’ to describe parties and politicians. With this in mind, where would you place yourself on the following scale?

<1>Very left-wing

<2>Fairly left-wing

<3>Slightly left-of-centre


<5>Slightly right-of-centre

<6>Fairly right-wing

<7>Very right-wing

<8>Don’t know



[Q1G if Country in  [11]] Which of the following best describes the area you live in?

<1> Inner city

<2> Urban area, but not inner city

<3> Suburban area

<4> Village or small town

<5> Rural area

<6> Don’t know

[Q2] {multiple max=5 order=randomize}

Which of the following types of news is most important to you? Please _choose up to five_.

<1> News about the $Country

<2> International news

<3> Local news about my town or city

<4> News about my region

<5> Business and financial news

<6> News about the economy

<7> Entertainment and celebrity news

<8> Fun/Weird news

<9> Health news

<10> Education news

<11> Arts and culture news

<12> Sports news

<13> News about $Country politics

<14> Science and technology news

<995 fixed> Other

[Q2_other] {open}

<999 xor fixed> None of these

<998 fixed xor> Don’t know

[Q2aNEW] {grid roworder=randomize}

People have different reasons for following the news. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the statements below? Please select _one option on each row_.

[Q2aNEW_1] I follow the news because I want to know what is going on in the world around me

[Q2aNEW_2] I follow the news because I want to understand things that might affect me

[Q2aNEW_3] I follow the news as part of my daily habits

[Q2aNEW_4] I follow the news because it is a good way to pass time

[Q2aNEW_5] I follow the news because it means I can take part in discussions with friends and colleagues about topical issues

[Q2aNEW_6] I follow the news because I feel I have a duty as a citizen to stay informed

<1> Strongly disagree

<2> Tend to disagree

<3> Neither agree nor disagree

<4> Tend to agree

<5> Strongly agree


[Q3] Which, if any, of the following have you used in the _last week_ as a _source of news_? Please select all that apply. #randomised but within TV (codes 1 and 2), print (codes 4 and 5) and website (codes 6-9)

Q3exam1 = ‘Television news bulletins or programmes such as News at Ten, C4 News, Good Morning Britain, Newsnight and Question Time’

Q3exam2 = ’24 hour news television channels such as Sky News or BBC News 24′

Q3exam3 = ‘Radio news bulletins or programmes such as Today, 5 Live Breakfast’

Q3exam4 = ‘Printed newspapers such as The Guardian or Daily Mail’

Q3exam5 = ‘Printed magazines such as the Economist or The Week’

Q3exam6 = ‘Websites/apps of newspapers such as or Mail Online’

Q3exam7 = ‘Websites/apps of news magazines such as The Economist or The Week’

Q3exam8 = ‘Websites/apps of TV and Radio companies such as BBC News Online or Sky News Online’

Q3exam9 = ‘Websites/apps of other news outlets such as MSN, Yahoo, Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, Vice or Google News’

Q3exam10 = ‘Social media such as Facebook or Twitter’

Q3exam11 = ‘Blogs’

<995 fixed>Other #

[Q3_other] {open}#(please specify)

<999 xor fixed>None of these


UK, US, France, Germany, Spain, Ireland

[Q3ai if Q3.has_any([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,995])] {single order=randomize}

For _speed of coverage (breaking news)_, which _one_ of the sources that you’ve used in the last week do you find best? Sources as Q3

[Q3aii if Q3.has_any([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,995])] {single order=randomize}

For _bringing to my attention stories I didn’t know about_, which _one_ of the sources that you’ve used in the last week do you find best? Sources as Q3

[Q3aiii if Q3.has_any([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,995])] {single order=randomize}

For _analysis and comment_, which _one_ of the sources that you’ve used in the last week do you find best? Sources as Q3

[Q3aiv if Q3.has_any([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,995])] {single order=randomize}

For _accuracy and reliability_, which _one_ of the sources that you’ve used in the last week do you find best? Sources as Q3

[Q3av if Q3.has_any([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,995])] {single order=randomize}

In terms of _overall trust_, which _one_ of the sources that you’ve used in the last week do you find best? Sources as Q3

[Q4 if Q3.has_any([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,995]) and len(Q3)>1] You say you’ve used these sources of news in the _last week_, which would you say is your MAIN source of news? Sources as Q3


UK, US, Spain, Finland

[Q4b if Country in [1,2,6,8] ] {multiple}

When do you typically access the news? Please select all that apply to you.

<1> First thing in the morning

<2> Later in the morning

<3> Lunchtime

<4> Afternoon

<5> Early evening

<6> Late evening

<7> Last thing at night

<998 xor fixed> Don’t know



[Q4a if Q3.has_any([1,2]) and Country==1] {grid}

Thinking about the way you watch TV news – on a television set – during which of these times do you give it your full attention/ do something else at the same time (give it part of your attention)?

[Q4a_1] First thing in the morning

[Q4a_2] Later in the morning

[Q4a_3] Lunchtime

[Q4a_4] Afternoon

[Q4a_5] Early evening

[Q4a_6] Late evening

[Q4a_7] Last thing at night

<1> Full attention

<2> Part of my attention

<3> Don’t watch at this time



[Q4ai if Country==1 and (Q4a_1 in

[2] or Q4a_2 in

[2] or Q4a_3 in

[2] or Q4a_4 in

[2] or Q4a_5 in

[2] or Q4a_6 in

[2] or Q4a_7 in

[2])] {multiple order=randomize}

On those occasions when you give TV news only part of your attention, what are the other things you tend to do? Please select the ones you do most often.

<1> Domestic tasks (cleaning, cooking, eating, ironing, etc.)

<2> Talk to friends and/or family

<3> Check social media feeds on tablet, smartphone or computer

<4> Check email on tablet, smartphone or computer

<5> Browse web generally on tablet, smartphone or computer

<6> Play games on tablet, smartphone or computer

<7> Read newspapers, magazines etc.

<999 xor fixed> None of these


UK, France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Finland

[OPT4c if Country in [1,3,4,5,6,8]] {multiple}

Where were you when you looked at/ listened to the news _over the last few days_? Please select all that apply.

<1> At home: communal space (living-room, kitchen, etc.)

<2> At home: personal space (own room, bedroom, etc.)

<3> At work (office, shop, factory, etc.)

<4> At a place of study

<5> Whilst travelling, commuting on public transport

<6> Whilst travelling, commuting in car, by bicycle or other personal transport

<7> While out and about generally

<8> Other people’s homes

<995 fixed> Another place




<997 xor fixed> I didn’t consume news over the last few days


UK, France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Finland

[OPT4e if OPT4c.has_any([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,995]) and Country in [1,3,4,5,6,8]] {grid-check}

Please mention the key news media you used in these locations. Please select all that apply to you.

[OPT4e_1 if 1 in OPT4c] At home: communal space (living-room, kitchen, etc.)

[OPT4e_2 if 2 in OPT4c] At home: personal space (own room, bedroom, etc.)

[OPT4e_3 if 3 in OPT4c] At work (office, shop, factory, etc.)

[OPT4e_4 if 4 in OPT4c] At a place of study

[OPT4e_5 if 5 in OPT4c] Whilst travelling, commuting on public transport

[OPT4e_6 if 6 in OPT4c] Whilst travelling, commuting in car, by bicycle or other personal transport

[OPT4e_7 if 7 in OPT4c] While out and about generally

[OPT4e_8 if 8 in OPT4c] Other people’s homes

[OPT4e_995 if 995 in OPT4c] Another place $OPT4c_other

<1> Television

<2> Radio

<3> Printed newspaper

<4> Internet via computer/laptop

<5> Internet via mobile phone

<6> Internet via tablet

<999 xor fixed> None of these


Q5 MASTER CODE LIST USED – EXCEL SHEET Q5A] {multiple order=randomize}

Which, if any, of the following have you used to access news in the _last week_? Please select all that apply. _Via TV, RADIO OR PRINT ONLY_ (Traditional platforms)

[Q5B] {multiple order=randomize}

Which, if any, of the following have you used to access news in the _last week_? Please select all that apply. _Via online platforms_ (web, mobile, tablet, e-reader)

[Q6a] Thinking about news _in general_, do you agree or disagree with the following statement? I think you can trust most news most of the time”

<1> Strongly disagree

<2> Tend to disagree

<3> Neither agree nor disagree

<4> Tend to agree

<5> Strongly agree

[Q6b] Thinking specifically about news sources that _you use_, do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “I think I can trust most of the news that I use most of the time”

<1> Strongly disagree

<2> Tend to disagree

<3> Neither agree nor disagree

<4> Tend to agree

<5> Strongly agree

[Q7] {multiple}

Have you bought (paid for) a _printed newspaper in the last week_? (This could be an ongoing subscription or one off payment for a physical copy). Please select all that apply.

<1> Yes, via newsstand or shop

<2> Yes, I have home delivery (for one or more days a week)

<3> Yes, from another source

<4 xor fixed> No, I have not

<5 xor fixed> Don’t know

[Q7a] Have you paid for ONLINE news content, or accessed a paid for ONLINE news service _in the last year_? (This could be digital subscription, combined digital/print subscription or one off payment for an article or app)

<1> Yes

<2> No

<3> Don’t know

[Q7ai if Q7a==1] {multiple}

You said you have accessed paid for ONLINE news content in the last year… Which, if any, of the following ways have you used to pay for ONLINE news content in the last year? Please select all that apply.

<1> I made a single _one-off payment_ to access an article, website (eg day-pass) or pdf

<2> I made a single _one-off payment_ to access a news app or download an edition via an app, digital newsstand

<3> I made an _ongoing payment_ (subscription) for a digital news service – eg monthly, quarterly or annual payment

<4> I made an _ongoing payment_ to a digital news service as part of a wider print subscription

<5> I made an _ongoing payment_ for a digital news service as part of a wider cable, broadcast, mobile or other relationship

<6> I make an _ongoing payment_ to a service that gives me access to _multiple digital news services_

<7> Someone else paid for me to subscribe or access a digital news service

<995 fixed> Other

[Q7aii if Q7a==2] You said you have not paid for online digital content in the last year… How likely or unlikely would you be to pay IN THE FUTURE for online news from particular sources that you like?

<1> Very likely

<2> Somewhat likely

<3> Somewhat unlikely

<4> Very unlikely

<5> Don’t know


UK, US, Australia

[OPTQ7b if Q7ai.has_any([3,4,5,6]) and Country in

[1,2,11]] {multiple max=3 order=randomize}

You said you have an online news subscription with at least one news provider, what are the most important factors in continuing to pay? _Please chose up to three_

<1> A brand I like for news

<2> Access to special offers/subscribers club

<3> Broad range of news coverage

<4> Quality of a specific area (e.g. sport, arts, technology, business)

<5> Quality of specific columnists, writer and journalists

<6> Design and ease of use

<7> Ability to access from multiple devices

<995 fixed> Other



[OPTQ7ci if Q7ai.has_any([3,4,5,6]) and Country==1] {multiple order=randomize}

Which of the following news brands did you make an _on-going payment_ (subscription) to for online news over _the past year_ (e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual)? Please select all that apply.

<1> Mail Online

<2> The Sun online

<3> Mirror online

<4> Times online

<5> Telegraph online

<6> Express online

<7> Star online

<8> Guardian online

<9> Independent online

<10> Financial Times online

<11> Metro online

<12> New York Times

<13> Economist

<14> The Week

<994 fixed> Other

[OPTQ7ci_other1] {open}


<995 fixed> Other

[OPTQ7ci_other2] {open}



[OPTQ7cii if Q7ai.has_any([1,2]) and Country==1] {multiple order=randomize}

Which of the following brands did you make a _one off payment_ to over _the past year_ (e.g. day pass, pdf, article or one off app payment)? Please select all that apply. CODES AS OPTQ7CI


UK, US, Spain, Australia #for Spain, please change to €. For US, please change to $#

[OPTQ7ciii_UK if Q7a==1 and Country in

[1]] How much have you paid for online news content, or for access to a paid for online news service in _the last year_? Choose the option that comes closest to the amount you have paid. If you have paid to different providers for online news, think only of the single provider you have paid the most to.

<1> £2.50 per month (£30 per year)

<2> £5 per month (£60 per year)

<3> £10 per month (£120 per year)

<4> £15 per month (£180 per year)

<5> £20 per month (£240 per year)

<6> £25 per month (£300 per year)

<7> £30 per month (£360 per year)

<8> More than £30 per month (more than £360 per year)

<998 xor fixed> Don’t know


UK, US, Spain, Australia

[OPTQ7civ_UK if Q7a==2 and Country in

[1]] What is the maximum price you would pay for a subscription to a digital-only news service – including full access to its website, apps and any digital replicas of the newspaper?

<1> £0 (I won’t pay for any digital news service, whatever the price)

<2> £2.50 per month (£30 per year)

<3> £5 per month (£60 per year)

<4> £10 per month (£120 per year)

<5> £15 per month (£180 per year)

<6> £20 per month (£240 per year)

<7> £25 per month (£300 per year)

<8> £30 per month (£360 per year)

<9> More than £30 per month (more than £360 per year)

<998 xor fixed> Don’t know



[POL2A if Country in [1]] How interested would you say you are in politics?

<1> Extremely interested

<2> Very interested

<3> Somewhat interested

<4> Not very interested

<5> Not at all interested

<6> Don’t know



[POL2B if (POL2A and not POL2A in [5]) and Country in [1]] {multiple order=randomize}

Which, if any, of the following sources of information do you use to keep up with political and government issues? Please select all that apply.

<1> Friends, relatives or colleagues

<2> National printed newspapers and/or their online sites/apps

<3> Local printed newspapers and/or their online sites/apps

<4> Radio, TV broadcasters and/or online sites/apps

<5> Politically focussed magazines and/or online sites/apps

<6> Political parties and/or their newsletters or online sites

<7> Online specialist sites or political blogs

<8> Email newsletters/alerts

<9> Social media such as Facebook and Twitter

<998 xor fixed> Don’t know

<999 fixed xor> None of these



[POL2C if (POL2A and not POL2A in [5]) and Country in [1]] {multiple order=randomize}

In which, if any, of the following ways have you used the Internet in the last year to get more involved in politics or express a political opinion? Please select all that apply.

<1> Sent an email about a political candidate or issue

<2> Signed an online petition

<3> Posted your views on a news site

<4> Posted your views on a social media site

<5> Joined a campaign via a social media site

<6> Used the internet to organise or find a meeting/ event to attend

<7> Contributed money to a political party or political cause

<8> Used the internet to volunteer for a political activity

<9> Followed a politician or political party via Twitter or subscribed via Facebook page

<998 xor fixed> Don’t know

<999 fixed xor> None of these

[Q8A] {multiple}

Which, if any, of the following devices do you ever use (for any purpose)? Please select all that apply.

<1> Smartphone made by Apple (iPhone)

<2> Smartphone by another manufacturer (e.g. Samsung, LG, HTC, Sony, Nokia Lumia, etc.)

<3> Other internet connected phone (e.g. older Blackberry, Nokia feature phone etc.)

<4> Laptop or desktop computer (at work or home)

<5> Tablet Computer made by Apple (e.g. iPad, iPad Air or iPad mini)

<6> Other tablet computer (e.g. Samsung Galaxy, Kindle Fire HD, Google Nexus etc.)

<7> Ebook reader (e.g. other Kindle device, Kobo etc.)

<8> Connected TV (a TV that connects to internet via set top box, games console, other box such as Apple TV etc.)

<9> Smart TV (TV that connects to the internet directly without the need for any other box)

<10> Smart watch, wristband or smart glasses that connect to the internet

<995 fixed> Other mobile device that connects to the internet (e.g. iPod Touch, PSP or Gameboy DSi)

<999 fixed xor> None of these

<998 xor fixed> Don’t know #BUTTON

[Q8B if Q8A.has_any([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,995])] {multiple}

Which, if any, of the following devices have you used to access news _in the last week_? Please select all that apply. CODES AS 8A

[UK8b6_5] {single order=randomize}

You’ve said you use the following devices to access news in the _last week_, which is your MAIN way of accessing online news? CODES SELECTED AT Q8B, IF SELECTED ONE CODE ONLY AT Q8 THAT IS TAKEN TO BE MAIN WAY


UK, USA, France, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Spain, Japan, Brazil, Australia, Ireland #show answer codes selected at Q5B plus ‘don’t know’#

[Q19A:Q19List] {multiple order=randomize($Rand21) columns=2}

You say you access news via a _SMARTPHONE_. When using that device what news sources have you accessed in the _last week_?


UK, USA, France, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Spain, Japan, Brazil, Australia, Ireland #USE LIST AT Q5B

[Q19B:Q19List if (4 in Q8B and (Q5B and not Q5B.has_any([998,999]))) and Country in

[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] ] {multiple columns=2}

You say you access news via a _PC/LAPTOP_. When using that device which of the following news sources did you use to access in the last week? Please select all that apply.


UK, USA, France, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Spain, Japan, Brazil, Australia, Ireland #show answer codes selected at Q5B plus ‘don’t know’#

[Q19CC:Q19List if (Q8B.has_any([5,6]) and (Q5B and not Q5B.has_any([998,999]))) and Country in

[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] ] {multiple columns=2}

You say you access news via a _TABLET_. When using that device which of the following news sources did you use to access in the _last week_? Please select all that apply.


UK, US, Germany, Finland, Australia

[Q9A if Q8B.has_any([1,2,3]) and Country in [1,2,4,6,11]] Thinking specifically about when you look for news on a _MOBILE_, which of the following statements most applies to you? Please select one answer.

<1> I mainly use news apps I downloaded to my device

<2> I mainly use news websites via the standard web browser on my device

<3> I use apps and mobile websites about the same

<98> Not sure


UK, US, Germany, Finland, Australia

[Q9B if Q8B.has_any([5,6]) and Country in [1,2,4,6,11]] Thinking specifically about when you look for news on a _TABLET_, which of the following statements most applies to you? Please select one answer

<1> I mainly use news apps I downloaded to my device

<2> I mainly use news websites via the standard web browser on my device

<3> I use apps and mobile websites about the same

<4> Not sure


UK, US, Germany, Australia

[Q9C if Q8B.has_any([1,2,3]) and Country in [1,2,4,11]] You said you use a smartphone for news, how many NEWS apps do you have on your _smartphone_?

<1> 0

<2> 1

<3> 2

<4> 3-4

<5> More than 4

<98> Don’t know


UK, US, Germany, Australia

[Q9D if Q8B.has_any([5,6]) and Country in [1,2,4,11]] You said you use a TABLET for news, how many NEWS apps do you have on your _Tablet_?

<1> 0

<2> 1

<3> 2

<4> 3-4

<5> More than 4

<998> Don’t know


UK, US, Germany, Australia #show answer codes selected at Q5B plus ‘other’ and ‘don’t know’#

[Q9ei:Q19List if Q8B.has_any([1,2,3]) and (Q5B and not Q5B.has_any([998,999])) and Country in

[1,2,4,11]] {multiple}

You said you use one or more news apps on a _SMARTPHONE_, which of the following brands do you use _via an app_? Please select all that apply.


UK, US, Germany, Australia #show answer codes selected at Q5B plus ‘other’ and ‘don’t know’#

[Q9eii_multi:Q19List if Q8B.has_any([5,6]) and (Q5B and not Q5B.has_any([998,999])) and Country in [1,2,4,11]] {multiple}

You said you use one or more news apps on a _TABLET_, which of the following brands do you use via an app? Please select all that apply.

{page p_Q10}

Now we’re going to ask you questions about the different ways in which you come across news on ANY digital device #Please RANDOMISE order but link together 2,3 and 5,6# EACH MARKET HAD RELEVANT EXAMPLES, UK SHOWN

[Q10] {multiple order=randomize}

Thinking about how you got news online (via computer, mobile or any device) _in the last week_, which were the ways in which you came across news stories? Please select all that apply.

Q10exam1 = ‘Directly accessed one or more news websites apps such as BBC News, Mail Online, Huffington Post’

Q10exam2 = ‘Used a search engine e.g. Google, Bing and typed in a keyword for the name of a particular website’

Q10exam3 = ‘Used a search engine e.g. Google, Bing and typed in a keyword about a particular news story’

Q10exam4 = ‘Used a website or mobile app that pulls together different news links (e.g. Flipboard, Zite, Pulse)’

Q10exam5 = ‘Used social media and came across news that way (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google +)’

Q10exam6 = ‘Got news via an email newsletter or email alert’

Q10exam7 = ‘Received a news alert through an app on my mobile phone/tablet or via SMS’

<995 fixed> Other

[Q10_other] {open}


<998 fixed xor> Don’t know

<997 fixed xor (if 999 in Q3)> I haven’t used online news in the last week #only show if ‘none of these’ at Q3#


UK, US, France, Italy, Ireland

[Q10a if Q10.has_any([2,3])] {single order=randomize}

You said that you use _a search engine_ as a way of accessing news content, which one of the following statements do you agree with most?

<1> I tend to click on content that comes from a site I know and trust

<2> I tend to click on content that comes from a person I know and trust

<3> I tend to click on headlines that are most interesting to me

<998 fixed xor> Don’t know


UK, US, France, Italy, Ireland

[Q10ai if Q10.has_any([2,3])] When accessing news links through _a search engine_, to what extent do you find yourself accessing different sources of news, when compared with your regular brands? Please choose one.

<1> I frequently find myself clicking on new sources of news

<2> I sometimes find myself clicking on new sources of news

<3> I rarely find myself clicking on new sources of news

<4> I never find myself clicking on new sources of news

<998 fixed xor> Don’t know


UK, US, France, Italy, Ireland

[Q10b if 4 in Q10] You said that you use _a website or mobile app that pulls together different news sources_, which one of the following statements do you agree with most? Please choose one.

<1> I tend to click on content that comes from a site I know and trust

<2> I tend to click on content that comes from a person I know and trust

<3> I tend to click on headlines that are interesting to me

<998 fixed xor> Don’t know


UK, US, France, Italy, Ireland

[Q10bi if 4 in Q10] When accessing news links through _a site or mobile app that pulls together news sources_ , to what extent do you find yourself accessing different sources of news, when compared with your regular brands? Please choose one.

<1> I frequently find myself clicking on new sources of news

<2> I sometimes find myself clicking on new sources of news

<3> I rarely find myself clicking on new sources of news

<4> I never find myself clicking on new sources of news

<998 fixed xor> Don’t know


UK, US, France, Italy, Ireland

[Q10c if 5 in Q10] You said that you use _social media like Facebook or Twitter_ as a way of accessing news content, which one of the following statements do you agree with most?

<1> I tend to click on content that comes from a site I know and trust

<2> I tend to click on content that comes from a person I know and trust

<3> I tend to click on headlines that are most interesting to me

<998 fixed xor> Don’t know


UK, US, France, Italy, Ireland

[Q10ci if 5 in Q10] When accessing news links through _social media like Facebook or Twitter_, to what extent do you find yourself accessing different sources of news, when compared with your regular brands? Please choose one.

<1> I frequently find myself clicking on new sources of news

<2> I sometimes find myself clicking on new sources of news

<3> I rarely find myself clicking on new sources of news

<4> I never find myself clicking on new sources of news

<998 fixed xor> Don’t know


UK, US, France, Ireland

[Q10cii if 5 in Q10] {multiple order=randomize}

You said you came across news via _social media_ in _the last week_, what type of content do you tend to access this way? Please select all that apply.

<1> Breaking news

<2> General news

<3> Politics

<4> Business

<5> Technology

<6> Sport

<7> Entertainment

<995 fixed> Other

[Q10cii_other] {open}


<998 fixed xor> Don’t know


UK, US, France, Ireland

[Q10ciii if 5 in Q10] {multiple}

When do you typically access _social media_? Please select all that apply.

<1> First thing in the morning

<2> Later in the morning

<3> Lunchtime

<4> Afternoon

<5> Early evening

<6> Late evening

<7> Last thing at night

<998 xor fixed> Don’t know


UK, US, France, Ireland

[Q10civ if 5 in Q10] On what device do you most regularly access news _via social media_?

<1> Computer/ laptop

<2> Smartphone

<3> Tablet

<998 fixed xor> Don’t know


UK, US, France, Ireland

[Q10di if 6 in Q10] {multiple order=randomize}

You said you came across news via _email_ in _the last week_, what type of email do you use? Please select all that apply.

<1> Breaking news email

<2> General news email

<3> Politics email

<4> Business email

<5> Technology email

<6> Sport email

<7> Entertainment email

<995 fixed> Other

[Q10di_other] {open}


<998 fixed xor> Don’t know


UK, US, France, Ireland

[Q10dii if 6 in Q10] {multiple}

When do you typically access _email news_? Please select all that apply.

<1> First thing in the morning

<2> Later in the morning

<3> Lunchtime

<4> Afternoon

<5> Early evening

<6> Late evening

<7> Last thing at night

<998 xor fixed> Don’t know


UK, US, France, Ireland

[Q10diii if 6 in Q10] On what device do you most regularly access _email news_?

<1> Computer/laptop

<2> Smartphone

<3> Tablet

<998 fixed xor> Don’t know

{end module mQ10other2}

[Q11] {multiple order=randomize}

Thinking of the way you looked at news online <<u>(via any device)</u>> _in the last week_, which of the following ways of consuming news did you use? Please select ALL that apply.

<1> Looked at a list of news headlines (for example on the front page of a news website)

<2> Read news stories or articles

<3> Followed a

<<u>LIVE news page</u>> within a website – short updates on a major news story listed in chronological order often including the best from social media)

<4> Read a news blog

<5> Look at a sequence or gallery of pictures about news

<6> Viewed a news graphic (infographic)

<7> Watched an online news video (live, clip or programme)

<8> Listened to news audio online (live, clip or podcast/ programme)

<9> Looked at a list (e.g. a top 10)

<10 fixed> Used an “app” on my smartphone to access the news

<11 fixed> Used an “app” on my tablet to access the news

<995 fixed> Other

[Q11_other] {open}


<998 xor fixed>Don’t know

<999 xor fixed>None of these


UK, USA, France, Germany, Italy, Finland, Ireland

[OptQ11ai if Q11 and not 7 in Q11] {multiple order=randomize}

You said that you don’t usually watch news videos online. Why not? Please select all that apply.

<1> I find reading articles quicker and more convenient

<2> Videos don’t tend to add anything that is not in the text story

<3> I often can’t get them to play properly on my device

<4> They take too long to load up/start playing

<5> Many have pre-roll adverts which tend to put me off

<6> I would rather watch on a bigger screen

<7> I don’t have access to sound (e.g. at work)

<8> I am concerned about the cost of access (e.g. via mobile)

<995 fixed> Other

[OptQ11ai_other] {open}


<998 xor fixed>Don’t know We’re now going to ask you a few more questions about the use of online news video. This might include video on a news website, video accessed via a social media site, short clips from members of the public, or TV news programmes on a broadcaster’s website.


UK, USA, France, Germany, Italy, Finland, Ireland

[OPTQ11aii if code 7 at Q11] {multiple}

Which TYPES of news video have you watched online in the last month? Please select all that apply.

<1> Live stream coverage of a breaking news event

<2> Live stream coverage of other scheduled news event (e.g. political speech, tech launch, fashion event etc.)

<3> News clip that adds drama to a text story (e.g. eyewitness testimony, raw footage of a news event)

<4> News clip that provided context or analysis on a text story (e.g. journalist/politician talking to camera, or a short interview)

<5> Longer news programme accessed on demand (e.g. a stream or download of politics, health, tech, film, food)

<998 xor fixed>Don’t know

<999 xor fixed>None of these


UK, USA, France, Germany, Italy, Finland, Ireland

[OPTQ11D] In thinking about your online news habits, which of the following statements applies best to you? Please select one.

<1> I mostly read news in text

<2> I mostly read news in text but occasionally watch video news that looks interesting

<3> I read text stories and watch video news about the same

<4> I mostly watch video news and read text occasionally

<5> I mostly watch video news

<998 xor fixed> Don’t know

[Q12A] {multiple order=randomize columns=2}

Which, if any, of the following have you used for _any purpose_ in the last week? Please select all that apply.






<6>Google Plus













<33 if Country in [1]>WeChat

<34 if Country in [1]>Threema

<998 xor fixed>Don’t know

<999 xor fixed>None of these

[Q12B if Q12A and not Q12A.has_any([998,999])] {multiple order=randomize columns=2}

Which, if any, of the following have you used for finding, reading, watching, sharing or discussing _news_ in _the last week_? Please select all that apply. CODES AS Q12A


UK, US, Italy, Australia

[Q12Ci if 4 in Q12B] {multiple order=randomize}

You say you use Twitter for news. How have you used it for news _in the last week_? Please select all that apply.

<1> Browsing my feed to see what’s new

<2> Searching Twitter for specific news

<3> Clicking to read or view a professional story, news video or picture

<4> Clicking to read or view a non-professional (user generated) news video or picture

<5> Retweeting or favouriting news related post

<6> Discussing a story (e.g. reply or quote with comment)

<7> Posting a news story, picture or video of your own

<8> Clicking hashtag to see content around a news story

<998 xor fixed>Don’t know

<999 xor fixed>None of these


UK, US, Italy, Australia

[Q12Cii if 4 in Q12B] {single}

You say you use Twitter for news. Which of the following statements applies best to you?

<1> I think of Twitter as a useful way of getting news

<2> I mostly see news when I’m on Twitter for other reasons

<998 xor fixed>Don’t know


UK, US, Italy, Australia

[Q12Di if 1 in Q12B] {multiple order=randomize}

You say you use Facebook for news. How have you used it for news in _the last week_? Please select all that apply.

<1> Browsing my feed to see what’s new

<2> Searching Facebook for specific news

<3> Clicking to read or view a professional story, news video or picture

<4> Clicking to read or view a non-professional (user generated) news video or picture

<5> Sharing news stories (eg posting to feed, someone’s wall)

<6> Discussing/commenting on a news story

<7> Posting a news story, picture or video of your own

<8> Clicking hashtag to see content around a news story

<998 xor fixed>Don’t know

<999 xor fixed>None of these


UK, US, Italy, Australia

[Q12Dii if 1 in Q12B] {single}

You say you use Facebook for news. Which of the following statements applies best to you?

<1> I think of Facebook as a useful way of getting news

<2> I mostly see news when I’m on Facebook for other reasons

<998 xor fixed>Don’t know


UK, US, Italy, Australia

[Q12Ei if 5 in Q12B] {multiple order=randomize}

You say you use YouTube for news. How have you used in _the last week_? Please select all that apply.

<1> Browsing the site to see latest news videos

<2> Searching for a news video

<3> Viewing a professional news video or picture

<4> Viewing a non-professional (user generated) news video or picture

<5> Clicking on a news link to another site

<6> Sharing or recommending a news video

<7> Discussing/commenting on a news video

<8> Posting a video on a news related issue

<998 xor fixed>Don’t know

<999 xor fixed>None of these


UK, US, Italy, Australia

[OptQ12Fi if 5 in Q12B ] {single order=randomize}

You say you use YouTube for news. Which of the following statements applies best to you?

<1> I think of YouTube as a useful way of getting news

<2> I mostly see news when I’m on YouTube for other reasons

<998 fixed xor> Don’t know


UK, US, Italy, Australia

[Q12GG if Q12B and not Q12B.has_any([998,999])] {multiple order=randomize}

When accessing news through social media like Facebook, Google Plus, YouTube or Twitter, have you subscribed to or followed any of the following? Please select all that apply.

<1> A news organisation

<2> A journalist

<3> A political party

<4> A politician

<5> A campaigning group

<999 xor fixed> None of these

[Q13] {multiple order=randomize}

During an _average week_ in which, if any, of the following ways do you share or participate in news coverage? Please select all that apply.

<1>Share a news story via Social Network (e.g Facebook, Twitter, Reddit)

<2>Share a news story via email

<3>Rate, like or favourite a news story

<4>Comment on a news story in a Social Network (e.g Facebook or Twitter)

<5>Comment on a news story on a news website

<6>Write a blog on a news or political issue

<7>Post or send a news-related picture or video to a Social Network site

<8>Post or send a picture or video to a news website/news organisation

<9>Vote in an online poll via a news site or social network

<10>Take part in a campaign or group based around a news subject

<11>Talk with friends and colleagues about a news story (e.g. by email, social media, instant messenger)

<12>Talk with friends and colleagues about a news story (face to face)

<999 xor fixed>None of these

{end page pQ13}




[OPTQ13B] {grid roworder=randomize}

How frequently do you do each of the following?

[OPTQ13B_1 if 1 in Q13]Share a news story via Social Network (e.g Facebook, Twitter, Reddit)

[OPTQ13B_2 if 2 in Q13]Share a news story via email

[OPTQ13B_3 if 3 in Q13]Rate (or Like) a news story

[OPTQ13B_4 if 4 in Q13]Comment on a news story in a Social Network (e.g Facebook or Twitter)

[OPTQ13B_5 if 5 in Q13]Comment on a news story on a news website

[OPTQ13B_6 if 6 in Q13]Write a blog on a news or political issue

[OPTQ13B_7 if 7 in Q13]Post or send a news-related picture or video to a Social Network site

[OPTQ13B_8 if 8 in Q13]Post or send a picture or video to a news website/news organisation

[OPTQ13B_9 if 9 in Q13]Vote in an online poll via a news site or social network

[OPTQ13B_10 if 10 in Q13]Take part in a campaign or group based around a news subject

[OPTQ13B_11 if 11 in Q13]Talk with friends and colleagues about a news story (e.g. by email, social media, instant messenger)

[OPTQ13B_12 if 12 in Q13]Talk with friends and colleagues about a news story (face to face)

<1>Several times a day

<2>Once a day

<3>Several times a week

<4>Once a week

<5> 1-3 times a month

<6>Less than once a month


<98>Don’t know

{end page pOPTQ13B}


Now we’re going to ask questions about advertising on _news websites or news apps_ (see examples below).

[QSpons1] {single order=randomize}

Which of the following statements best sums up your view of traditional banner advertising on news websites #RANDOMISE

<1> I find advertisements distracting and will actively avoid sites where they interfere with the content too much

<2> I find advertisements distracting but put up with them to get to the content I like

<3> I mainly ignore adverts, so they don’t distract me too much

<4> I don’t mind advertisements and sometimes find them useful

<998 fixed>Don’t Know

[QSpons2_multi] {multiple}

Do you regularly use Ad Blocking software (software you have installed on your device specifically to remove advertisements from news or other websites)? Please select all that apply.

<1> Yes, on desktop/ laptop

<2> Yes, on mobile

<3> Yes, on tablet

<4 xor> No As an alternative to traditional banner advertising, some news organisations are publishing more content that is _sponsored or paid for by advertisers_. This may take the form of an article, a quiz or a video but is normally labelled ‘sponsored’, ‘paid for’ or ‘brought to you by’…

####################UK examples In this example, Unilever paid the Guardian over £1m to create content about sustainable living. The content was created over a seven month period by Guardian journalists and the articles carried a label ‘Sponsored by Unilever’ This is an example from the New York Times, Netflix paid for a story about how the US prison system fails women inmates to promote the show Orange is the New Black. The article is labelled ‘Paid Post’ and the article carries branding for Netflix and Orange is the New Black. Buzzfeed is a publisher that regularly creates content for brands in the same tone and style as its normal content. This story about amazing Science Facts has been paid for by Renault who are using the content to promote a new Supermini

#US examples Forbes magazine offers brands the opportunity to pay for access to its audience. In this example the CEO of Management Consultancy Gap International has written an article about successful organisations. The post is labelled ‘Forbes Brand Voice’. In this example, Buzzfeed has created a list of different ways of using Tequila on holiday. The posts are labelled as coming from ‘brand publisher’ Sauza Tequila.

[QSpons3] {single}

How often do you see this kind of sponsored content in online news sites these days?




<4>Hardly ever


<998>Not sure

[QSpons4 if QSpons3 in

[1,2,3,4]] {grid roworder=randomize}

How does advertising like this impact on your perceptions of the news organisation and the brand being talked about in the advert? (Please select one option on each row)

[QSpons4_1]Brand in advert

[QSpons4_2]News organisation

<1>More positive

<2>Neither more nor less positive

<3>Less positive

[QSpons5] {grid roworder=randomize}

In general terms, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Please select one option on each row)

[QSpons5_1] Sponsored or branded content is an interesting way to hear about a topic or subject that is relevant to me

[QSpons5_2] I don’t like sponsored content but accept that’s part of how I get my free news

[QSpons5_3] I have felt disappointed or deceived after reading an article which I only discovered later was sponsored by a brand/company

[QSpons5_4] I trust the news organisation to accept only sponsored content that is trustworthy

<1> Strongly disagree

<2> Tend to disagree

<3> Neither agree nor disagree

<4> Tend to agree

<5> Strongly agree