This Reuters Institute Digital Report has provided a baseline some of the key audience data points affecting the future of journalism. In years to come we would like to expand the extent of our international survey coverage as well as deepening the range of questions within the UK.
We welcome feedback on this report and suggestions on how to improve our work via as well as potential partnerships and support for the 2013 survey.
Other relevant surveys
- William Dutton, Eileen Helsper, and Monica Gerber, The Internet in Britain 2009 (Oxford: Oxford Internet Institute, 2009)
- William Dutton and Grant Blank, Next Generation Users: The Internet in Britain in 2011 (Oxford: Oxford Internet Institute, 2011)
- Ofcom:
- Adults Media Use and Attitudes (2012):
- The Communications Market (2011):
- New News Future News (June 2007), annexes:
- Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism, The State of the News Media (Mar. 2012):
Other relevant publications from the Reuters Institute
All publications are available from
- Nicola Bruno and Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, Survival is Success: Journalistic Online Start-Ups in Western Europe (2012)
- Lara Fielden, Regulating for Trust in Journalism: Standards Regulation in the Age of Blended Media (2011)
- David A. L. Levy and Rasmus Kleis Nielsen (eds), The Changing Business of Journalism and its Implications for Democracy (2010)
- John Lloyd, Scandal! News International and the Rights of Journalism (2011)
- Nic Newman:
- Mainstream Media and the Distribution of News in the Age of Social Discovery (2011):
- #UKelection2010, Mainstream Media and the Role of the Internet: How Social and Digital Media Affected the Business of Politics and Journalism (2010):
- The Rise of Social Media and its Impact on Mainstream Journalism (2009):
- Richard Sambrook, Are Foreign Correspondents Redundant? (2010):