GENERAL: News consumption patterns
Q1a: How often do you access the Internet for any purpose (i.e. for work/leisure etc.)? This should include access from any device (Desktop, Laptop, Tablet or Mobile) and from any location (Home, work, internet café or any other location).
- Several times a day
- Once a day
- 4-6 days a week
- 2-3 days a week
- Once a week
- Less often than once a week
- Don’t know
Q1b: Typically, how often do you access news. By news we mean national international, regional/local news and other topical events accessed via radio, TV, newspaper or online.
- Several times a day
- Once a day
- Several times a week
- Once a week
- 2-3 times a month
- Once a month
- Less often than once a month
- Don’t know
- Never
Q1c: How interested, if at all, would you say you are in news
- Extremely interested
- Very interested
- Somewhat interested
- Not very interested
- Not at all interested
- DK
Q1d What is your highest level of education?
- Masters or Doctoral degree;
- Bachelors degree or similar;
- Professional qualification;
- High school or baccalaureate or A-levels;
- I did not complete secondary/high school
Q2: Which of the following types of news is most important to you? Please chose up to five
- News about the UK
- International news
- Local news about my town or city
- News about my region
- Business and financial news
- News about the economy
- Entertainment and celebrity news
- Fun/Weird news
- Health and education news
- Arts and culture news
- Sports news
- News about UK politics
- Science and technology news
- Other (please specify)
- None of these
- Don’t know
Q3: Which, if any, of the following have you used in the last week as a source of news?
- Television news programmes or bulletins such as News at Ten, Breakfast News etc
- 24 hour news television channels such as Sky News or BBC News 24
- Radio news programmes or bulletins such as 5 Live Breakfast, Good Morning Scotland
- Printed Newspapers such as The Guardian or Daily Mail
- Printed Magazines such as the Economist or The Week
- Websites/apps of Newspapers such as The Guardian or Daily Mail
- Websites/apps of news magazines such as The Economist or The Week
- Websites/apps of TV and Radio companies such as BBC News, ITV News, Sky News
- Websites/apps of other news outlets such as MSN, Yahoo, Huffington Post, Buzzfeed or Google News
- Social media such as Facebook or Twitter
- Blogs
- Other (please specify)
- None of these
Q4: You say you’ve used these sources of news in the last week, which would you say is MOST IMPORTANT or which would you say is your MAIN source of news? AND SECOND MOST IMPORTANT
OPT4a: Thinking about your news behaviour YESTERDAY, how much time do you spend accessing news on EACH of the following?
- TV
- Radio
- Printed newspaper
- Computer (eg Desktop or laptop)
- Mobile phone (eg smartphone)
- Tablet (egiPad, tab)
- E-reader (eg Kindle, Sony reader)
- Smart TV (eg via a browser or app on an internet connected TV)
- Less than 10 minutes
- 10-20 mins
- 21-30 mins
- 31-45 mins
- 46-60 mins
- More than an hour
- Don’t know
OPT4b When do you typically access the news? Please select as many as apply to you
- First thing in the morning
- Later in the morning
- Lunchtime
- Afternoon
- Early evening
- Late evening
- Last thing at night
- Don’t know
OPT 4c Where were you when you looked at/listened to the news yesterday? (List all that are relevant)
- At home: communal space (living-room, kitchen, etc.)
- At home: personal space (own room, bedroom, etc.)
- At work (office, shop, factory, etc)
- At a place of study
- Whilst travelling, commuting on public transport
- Whilst commuting in car or other personal transport (please add “in car, by bicycle or other personal transport” in Denmark survey)
- While out and about generally (e.g., mobile, internet café)
- Other people’s homes
- Another place (please describe) __________________________________
- I didn’t consume news yesterday (exclusive option)
OPT 4e (Filter from answers at OPT4C) Please mention the key news media you used in these locations
- Television
- Radio
- Printed newspaper
- Printed news magazine
- Internet via computer/laptop
- Internet via mobile phone
- Internet via tablet
Location 1:
Location 2:
Location 3:
Location 4:
Location 5
Q5A/B: Which, if any, of the following have you used to access news in the last week?
- Via traditional (Radio/TV/Print)
- BBC News
- ITV News
- Sky News
- C4 News
- C5 News
- Commercial radio news
- Daily Mail + on Sunday
- The Sun + Sunday
- Daily Mirror + Sunday Mirror + Sunday People
- The Times/Sunday Times
- The Daily Telegraph/Sunday Telegraph
- The Express + Sunday
- Daily Star + Sunday)
- The Guardian/Observer
- The Independent +on Sunday
- ‘i’
- London Evening Standard
- The Financial Times
- A local newspaper
- A free City paper such as Metro
- A national newspaper in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland
- Newspapers or broadcast news channels from outside COUNTRY NAME
- Other (Specify up to three)
- Don’t know
- None of these
- Via online (web, mobile, tablet, e-reader)
- BBC News
- ITV News
- Sky News
- C4 News
- C5 News
- Commercial radio news
- Mail Online, Daily Mail & Mail on Sunday
- The Sun + Sunday
- Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, Sunday People
- The Times/Sunday Times
- The Daily Telegraph/Sunday Telegraph
- The Express + Sunday
- Daily Star + Sunday)
- The Guardian/Observer
- The Independent +on Sunday
- ‘i’
- London Evening Standard
- The Financial Times
- A local newspaper
- A free City paper such as Metro
- A national newspaper in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland
- Yahoo
- Google News
- Huffington Post
- New York Times
- Buzzfeed
- Vice
- Other online sites from outside COUNTRY NAME
- Other (Specify up to three)
- Don’t know
We are now going to ask a few questions about trust in different news sources as well as any possible/potential bias that you see in particular news sources or reporters.
Q5c) Thinking about the different kinds of news available to you, what do you prefer:
- News where the reporter tries to reflect a range of views and leaves it to the reader/viewer to decide?
- News where the reporter argues a point of view offering evidence to support that view
[OPEN] WHY do you prefer this?
Q5d) Thinking about the different sources of news available to you (such as a newspaper, broadcaster or online news source), which do you trust (or believe) most:
- News from sources that try to be neutral (or impartial)?
- News from sources that are open about their own views and biases?
[OPEN] WHY do you trust (or believe) this the most?
Q5 e) To what extent are the following important to you in terms of whether you trust a source of news:
- The news brand/the name of the news outlet
- Individual journalists
5-point scale of very important/quite/neither-nor/not very/not at all important
Have you bought (paid for) a printed newspaper in the last week
(please tick all that apply)
- Yes via newsstand or shop
- Yes I have home delivery (for one or more days a week)
- Yes, from another source
- No, I have not
- Don’t know
Q7. Have you paid for ONLINE news content, or accessed a paid for ONLINE news service in the last year (this could be an ongoing subscription or one off payment for an article or app) ?
- Yes
- No,
- Don’t know
Q7ai (those answered yes to Q7). You said you have accessed paid for ONLINE news content in the last year… Which, if any, of the following types of payment have you used to pay for ONLINE news content in the last year? (Please tick all that apply)
- I made a single one off payment to access an article, or website (eg day-pass)
- I made a single one off payment to access a news app or download an edition via an app, digital newsstand or pdf
- I made an ongoing payment (subscription) for a digital news service
- I made an ongoing payment to a digital news service as part of a wider print subscription
- I made an ongoing payment for a digital news service as part of a wider cable, broadcast, mobile or other relationship
- I make an ongoing payment to a service that gives me access to multiple digital news services
- Someone else paid for me to subscribe or access a digital news service
- Other
Q7aii (those answered NO to Q7). You said you have not paid for online digital content in the last year…
How likely or unlikely would you be to pay IN THE FUTURE for online news from particular sources that you like?
- Very likely
- Somewhat likely
- Somewhat unlikely
- Very unlikely
- Don’t knowOPT Q7b You said you have a subscription with at least one news provider, what were the most important factors in taking an online news subscription in the first place (chose up to three)
- A brand I prefer for news
- Access to special offers/subscribers’ club
- Broad range of news coverage
- Quality of specific area (eg sport, arts, technology, business)
- Quality of specific columnists, writers and journalists
- Enables access wherever and whenever I want
- No other way to access valued content
OPT Q7c You said you have a subscription with at least one news provider, what are the most important factors in keeping you subscribed to an online news product (chose up to three)
- A brand I prefer for news
- Access to special offers/subscribers’ club
- Broad range of news coverage
- Quality of specific area (eg sport, arts, technology, business)
- Quality of specific columnists, writers and journalists
- Enables access wherever and whenever I want
- No other way to access valued content
OPT Q7di Which of the following brands did you make a subscription payment to over the past year? (tick all that apply)
OPT Q7d ii Which of the following brands did you make a one off payment to over the past year?
OPT Q7e) You said you made one or more single or one-off payments for an online news service (article, app or day pass). How often did you do this in the last year? (chose ONE)
- Once or twice
- At least once a month
- Many times each month
OPT Q7f) You said you made one or more one-off payments for an online news service (article, app or day pass). Which methods do you mainly use (choose ONE)
- Entered credit or debit card manually
- Used stored payment details from news provider
- Used other stored payment details from billing provider (eg apple, mobile company, paypal etc)
OPT2A How interested would you say you are in politics?
- Very interested
- Somewhat interested
- Not very interested
- Not at all interested
- Don’t know
OPT2B: Which, if any, of the following sources of information do you use to keep up with political and government issues? Please select all that apply(multiple answers allowed, randomize)
- Friends, relatives or colleagues
- National printed newspapers and/or their online sites/apps
- Local printed newspapers and/or their online sites/apps
- Radio, TV broadcasters and/or online sites/apps
- Politically focussed magazines and/or online sites/apps
- Political parties and/or their newsletters or online sites
- Online specialist sites or political blogs
- Email newsletters/alerts
- Social media such as Facebook and Twitter
- Don’t know
- None of these
OPT2C: In which, if any, of the following ways have you used the Internet in the last year to get more involved in politics or express a political opinion? Please select all that apply
- Sent an email about a political candidate or issue
- Signed an online petition
- Posted your views on a news site
- Posted your views on a social media site
- Joined a campaign via a social media site
- Used the internet to organise or find a meeting/ event to attend
- Contributed money to a political party or political cause
- Used the internet to volunteer for a political activity
- Followed a politician or political party or Twitter or subscribed to Facebook page
- Don’t know
- None of these
Q8a: Which, if any, of the following devices do you ever use (for any purpose)? Tick all that apply
- Smartphone made by Apple (iPhone 3, 4, 5)
- Smartphone by another manufacturer (e.g, Samsung , HTC, Sony, Nokia Lumia, Blackberry Z10 etc)
- Other internet connected phone (eg older Blackberry, Nokia feature phone)
- Laptop or desktop computer (at work or home)
- Tablet Computer made by Apple (e.g. iPad, iPad Air or iPad mini)
- Other tablet computer (e.g. Samsung Galaxy, Kindle Fire HD, Google Nexus)
- Ebook reader eg Other Kindle device, Kobo etc
- Connected TV (a TV that connects to internet via set top box, games console, other box such as Apple TV etc)
- Smart TV (TV that connects to the internet directly without the need for any other box)
- Smart watch, wristband or smart glasses that connect to the internet
- Other mobile device that connects to internet eg iPod Touch, PSP or Gameboy DSi
- None of these
Q8b Which, if any, of the following devices have you used to access news in the last week?
- Smartphone made by Apple (iPhone 3, 4, 5)
- Smartphone by another manufacturer (e.g, Samsung , HTC, Sony, Nokia Lumia, Blackberry Z10 etc)
- Other internet connected phone (eg older Blackberry, Nokia feature phone)
- Laptop or desktop computer (at work or home)
- Tablet Computer made by Apple (e.g. iPad, iPad Air or iPad mini)
- Other tablet computer (e.g. Samsung Galaxy, Kindle Fire HD, Google Nexus)
- Ebook reader eg Other Kindle device, Kobo etc
- Connected TV (a TV that connects to internet via set top box, games console, other box such as Apple TV etc)
- Smart TV (TV that connects to the internet directly without the need for any other box)
- Smart watch, wristband or smart glasses that connect to the internet
- Other mobile device that connects to internet eg iPod Touch, PSP or Gameboy DSi
- None of these
ROUTE FROM Q8B answers 1&2&3 You say you access news via a SMARTPHONE. When using that device what news sources have you accessed in the last week?
ROUTE FROM Q8B answer 4 You say you access news via a PC/LAPTOP. When using that device which of the following news sources did you use to access in the last week?
ROUTE FROM Q8B answer 5&6 You say you access news via a TABLET. When using that device which of the following news sources did you use to access in the last week?
OPT9a Thinking specifically about when you look for news on a MOBILE, which of the following statements most applies to you? Please select one answer (only show to those who say yes at Q8b in the main survey)
- I mainly use news apps I downloaded from an app store
- I mainly use news websites via the standard web browser on my device
- I use apps and mobile websites about the same
- Not sure
OPT9b Thinking specifically about when you look for news on a TABLET, which of the following statements most applies to you? Please select one answer
- I mainly use news apps I downloaded from an app store
- I mainly use news websites via the standard web browser on my device
- I use apps and mobile websites about the same
- Not sure
OPT9c Thinking specifically about when you look for news on a MOBILE, which of the following statements most applies to you? Please select one answer
- I mainly access news directly via a branded link (logo) of a news provider
- I mainly access news via a search engine
- I mainly access news by a social network
- I mainly access news by a brand that aggregates different news sources
- Not sure
OPT9d Thinking specifically, about when you look for news on a TABLET, which of the following statements most applies to you? Please select one answer
- I mainly access news directly via a branded link (logo) of a news provider
- I mainly access news via a search engine
- I mainly access news by a social network
- I mainly access news by a brand that aggregates different news sources
- Not sure
OPT9e Thinking specifically about when you look for news on a LAPTOP OR DESKTOP computer, which of the following statements most applies to you? Please select one answer.
- I mainly access news directly via a branded link (logo) of a news provider
- I mainly access news via a search engine
- I mainly access news by a social network
- I mainly access news by a brand that aggregates different news sources
- Not sure
Q10 Thinking about you got news online (via computer, mobile or any device) in the LAST WEEK, which were the ways in which you came across news stories (choose as many as appropriate).
- Directly accessed one or more news websites/apps eg BBC News, Daily Mail, Huffington Post
- Used a search engine (e.g. Google, Bing) and typed in a keyword for the name of a particular website
- Used a search engine (e.g. Google, Bing) and typed in a keyword about a particular news story
- Used a newsreader ‘app’ that aggregates news links e.g. Flipboard/Zite/Pulse
- Used Twitter and came across news that way
- Via Facebook, G+, LinkedIn or other social network
- Got news via an email newsletter or alert
- Received a news alert via SMS or through an app on my mobile phone
- Other please specify
- Don’t know
Q10a Where do you tend to go for the VERY LATEST information on a fast moving news story (e.g. an earthquake, major riot or political crisis) – MULTICODE
- Television news
- Radio news
- Printed newspapers
- Websites/apps of newspapers, TV, broadcasters etc
- Social media
- Blogs
- Search engine
- Other (please specify)
- None of these
Q10b Where do you tend to go for the ANALYSIS OR FURTHER DEPTH on this fast moving news story (e.g. an earthquake, major riot or political crisis) (MULTICODE)?
- Television news
- Radio news
- Printed newspapers
- Websites/apps of newspapers, TV, broadcasters etc
- Social media
- Blogs
- Search engine
- Other (please specify)
- None of these
Q10c You said that you use social media to get the VERY LATEST information about a fast moving story (e.g. earthquake, major riot or political crisis), which social media sites would you use? MULTICODE
- YouTube
- Storify
- Reditt
- Other
- DK
Q10d) You said that you use social media to get the VERY LATEST about a fast moving story (e.g. earthquake, major riot or political crisis) – how do you tend to look for information (tick all that apply)
- Scroll through my feed looking for relevant information
- Use the search mechanism to search for a keyword or location
- Find and follow a hashtag which pulls together best content
- Follow a person or brand who is an expert on the story
Q10e) You said that you use social media to get the VERY LATEST information about a fast moving story (e.g. earthquake, major riot or political crisis) which sources do you pay most attention to? (Choose up to THREE)
- Posts by news brands or organisations
- Posts by journalists
- Posts by eyewitnesses
- Posts by other people you follow
- Posts by personal friends
- Posts by organisations
Q10c You said that you use social media to get to get ANALYSIS AND FURTHER DEPTH about a fast moving story (e.g. earthquake, major riot or political crisis), which social media sites would you use?
- You Tube
- Storify
- Reditt
- Other
- DK
Q10d) You said that you use social media to get ANALYSIS AND FURTHER DEPTH about a fast moving story (e.g. earthquake, major riot or political crisis) – how do you tend to look for information (tick all that apply)
- Scroll through my feed looking for relevant information
- Use the search mechanism to search for a keyword or location
- Find and follow a hashtag which pulls together best content
- Follow a person or brand who is an expert on the story
Q10e) You said that you use social media to get ANALYSIS AND FURTHER DEPTH about a fast moving story (e.g. earthquake, major riot or political crisis) which sources do you pay most attention to? (Choose up to THREE)
- Posts by news organisations
- Posts by journalists
- Posts by eyewitnesses
- Posts by other people you follow
- Posts by personal friends
- Posts by organisations
Q10fi You said that you use a search engine to get the LATEST information about a fast moving story (e.g. earthquake, major riot or political crisis), how do you tend to search? (tick all that apply)
- Enter the name of a news site
- Enter one or more keywords related to the story
- Use a news search engine like Google news that puts news from different sources together
Q10gi) You said that you enter a keyword into a search engine to get the LATEST information about a fast moving story (e.g. earthquake or major riot), which results do you tend to click on?
- “I would tend to click a link to sites I know and trust”
- “I don’t really notice which sites I am using, I would just click the link that had the most relevant headline”
Q10fII You said that you use a search engine to get DEPTH AND ANALYSIS about a fast moving story (e.g. earthquake, major riot or political crisis), how do you tend to search? (tick all that apply)
- Enter the name of a news site
- Enter one or more keywords related to the story
- Use a news search engine like Google news that puts news from different sources together
Q10gII) You said that you use a search engine to get DEPTH AND ANALYSIS about a fast moving story (e.g. earthquake, major riot or political crisis), which results do you tend to click on?
- “I would tend to click a link to sites I know and trust”
- “I don’t really notice which sites I am using, I would just click the link that had the most relevant headline”
Q10hI You said that you use a particular news site to get the LATEST information about a fast moving story (e.g. earthquake, major riot or political crisis. Which of the following sites do you access?
List from Q5 (online)
Q10iI You said that you use a particular news site to get the LATEST information about a fast moving story (e.g. earthquake, major riot or political crisis). Which types of content do you access? (tick ANY that are relevant)
- The headlines
- Longer stories
- Live video
- Recorded video clips
- Live audio
- Recorded audio
- Live page (live text updates in chronological order often including the best from social media)
- Comments posted by members of the public
Q10hi You said that you use a particular news site to get DEPTH AND ANALYSIS about a fast moving story (e.g. earthquake, major riot or political crisis.) Which of the following sites do you access?
List from Q5 (online)
Q10ii You said that you use a particular news site to get DEPTH AND ANALYSIS about a fast moving story (e.g. earthquake, major riot or political crisis.) Which types of content do you tend to access? (tick ANY that are relevant)
- The headlines
- Longer stories
- Live video
- Recorded video clips
- Live audio
- Recorded audio
- Live page (live text updates in chronological order often including the best from social media)
- Comments posted by members of the public
Q11. Thinking of the way you looked at news online (via computer, mobile, tablet or other device) in the last week, which of the following ways of consuming news did you use
(Choose ALL those that apply)
- Looked at a list of news headlines (for example on the front page of a news website)
- Read longer news stories or articles
- Followed a LIVE news page within a website – short updates on a major news story listed in chronological order often including the best from social media)
- Read a news blog
- Look at a sequence or gallery of pictures about news
- Viewed a news graphic (infographic)
- Watched news video (live, clip or programme)
- Listened to news audio (live, clip or programme)
- Used an “app” on my smartphone to access the news
- Used an “app” on my tablet to access the news
- Other (Please specify)
- None of these
- Don’t know
Opt Q11ai Route from 11 (if didn’t chose option 7)
You said that you don’t usually watch news videos online. Why not? MULTICODE
- I don’t find them interesting
- I don’t have time
- I can’t get them to play properly
- Take too long to load up/play
- I would rather watch on a bigger screen
- I prefer to read articles than watch videos
- Concern about cost of access (eg via mobile)
- Other, please specify
- Don’t know
We’re now going to ask you a few more questions about the use of online news video. This might include video on a news website, video accessed via a social media site, short clips from members of the public, or TV news programmes on a broadcaster’s website
OPT Q11aii Route from 11 (if did chose option 7)
Which TYPES of news video have you watched online in the last month – tick all that apply
- Live stream coverage of a breaking news event
- Live stream coverage of other scheduled news event (eg political speech, tech launch, fashion event etc)
- News clip that adds drama to a text story (eg eyewitness testimony, raw footage of a news event)
- News clip that provided context or analysis on a text story eg journalist/politician talking to camera, or a short interview
- Longer news programme accessed on demand (eg a stream or download of politics, health, tech, film, food)
- Don’t know
- None of these
OPT Q11B Which subjects of video provided by news providers do you watch most frequently online (show list from Q2)
OPT Q11C When thinking about the type of video news you consume online, which of the following statements applies best to you?
- I mainly watch news related videos posted by members of the public
- I mainly watch news related video posted by news organisations
- Both about the same
OPT Q11D In thinking about your online news habits, which of the following statements applies best to you?
- I mostly read news in text
- I mostly read news in text but occasionally watch video news that looks interesting
- I read text stories and watch video news about the same
- I mostly watch video news and read text occasionally
- I mostly watch video news
- Don’t know
Q12A Which, if any, of the following have you used for any purpose in the last week? Please select all that apply
- MySpace
- YouTube
- Google Plus
- Tumblr
- Vine
- Digg
- Stumbleupon
- Flickr
- Line
- Viber
- Don’t know
- None of these
- + country additions lists (ignore for UK)
Q12B Which, if any, of the following have you used for reading, watching, sharing or discussing news in the last week?
- MySpace
- YouTube
- Google+
- Tumblr
- Vine
- Digg
- Stumbleupon
- Flickr
- Line
- Viber
- Don’t know
- None of these
- + country additions lists (ignore for UK)
OPT Q12C Filter from 8B
You say you use Twitter for news. How have you used in the last week (select all that apply)
- Browsing my feed to see what’s new
- Clicking on a news link to read it
- Retweeting or favouriting news story
- Commenting on a news story
- Viewing a professional news video or picture
- Viewing a non-professional (user generated) news video or picture
- Don’t know
- None of these
OPT Q12D Filter from 8B
You say you use Facebook for news. How have you used in the last week (select all that apply)
- Browsing my feed to see what’s new
- Clicking on a news link to read it
- Liking or recommending a news story
- Commenting on a news story
- Viewing a news picture
- Viewing a news video
- Viewing UGC from social media
- Don’t know
- None of these
Q13: During an average week in which, if any, of the following ways do you share or participate in news coverage? (Please select all that apply)
- Share a news story via Social Network (like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit)
- Share a news story via email
- Rate (or Like) or recommend a news story
- Comment on a news story in a Social Network (like Facebook or Twitter)
- Comment on a news story on a news website
- Write a blog on a news or political issue
- Post or send a news-related picture or video to a Social Network site
- Post or send a picture or video to a news website/news organisation
- Vote in an online poll via a news site or social network
- Take part in a campaign or group based around a news subject
- Talk with friends and colleagues about a news story (e.g. by email, social media, instant messenger)
- Talk with friends and colleagues about a news story (face to face)
- None of these
OPT Q13B How frequently do you do this?
- Several times a day
- Once a day
- Several times a week
- Once a week
- 1 -3 times a month
- Less than once a month
- Never
- Don’t know
OPT Q13C: During the last year, have you posted a comment, question, picture or other content to a news website? Please select all that apply.
- Yes, directly with my real name and surname.
- Yes, with a username or a social profile that can be traced to my offline identity.
- Yes, with a username or a profile that cannot be traced to my offline identity.
- Yes, anonymously.
- No, I have never posted comments, questions, pictures or any other content by me to a news website.
ASK if CODE 8 or 9 at q8b
OPT Q14 A You say you used a connected TV or Smart TV FOR NEWS in the last week, which of the following brands did you use?
Filter from brand list in Q5
OPT Q14 B What type of news content do you consume via connected or smart TV (tick all that apply)
- Serious news
- Political news
- Local news
- Fun/light news
- Celebrity news
- Sports news/scores
- Weather
- Travel
- Several times a day
- Once a day
- Several times a week
- Once a week
- 1 -3 times a month
- Less than once a month
- Never
- Don’t know
OPT Q14 C Do you prefer to read or watch news using your smart or connected TV? Which of the following statements most applies to you?
- I mostly read news (text)
- I mostly watch news (video)
- I do both about the same
A connected or smart TV makes it possible to deliver a breaking or other news alert on the screen as an overlay to an existing TV programme. It would be possible for you to control the frequency and type of alerts and to turn it on or off. How interested would you be in using such a service?
- Very interested
- Somewhat interested
- Not very interested
- Not at all interested
- Don’t know